History and Classical tradition studies

Cristina Pimentel e Paula Morão (coords.), A Literatura Clássica ou os Clássicos na Literatura: uma (re)visão da literatura portuguesa das origens à contemporaneiade, Lisboa, 2012

Portuguese and Brazilian Literature / History and Classical tradition studies / Classical philology / Portuguese Literature / Classical Reception Studies

Woody Allen’s Cassandra’s Dream (2007) as a contemporary Greek Tragedy

Greek Tragedy / Film Studies / History and Classical tradition studies / The Classical Tradition / Classical Mythology / Woody Allen

Luis Cernuda: Platonic Emotiveness versus Presocratic-Aristotelian Mind

Spanish Literature / Plato / Aristotle / Idealism / History and Classical tradition studies / Materialism / The Classical Tradition / Heraclitus / Presocratics / Luis Cernuda / Materialism / The Classical Tradition / Heraclitus / Presocratics / Luis Cernuda

Oscar Wilde. De profundis: un judici sever de Sòfocles com a poeta

Christianity / History and Classical tradition studies / The Classical Tradition / Oscar Wilde / Sophocles / Percy Bysshe Shelley / DE PROFUNDIS / Percy Bysshe Shelley / DE PROFUNDIS

La mort a Venècia de Thomas Mann o la via plutarquea vers Eros

German Literature / History and Classical tradition studies / The Classical Tradition / Plutarch / Platonic Love

Luis Cernuda: emotividad platónica versus mentalidad presocrático-aristotélica

Spanish Literature / Plato / Aristotle / Idealism / History and Classical tradition studies / Materialism / The Classical Tradition / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Heraclitus / Presocratics / Luis Cernuda / Materialism / The Classical Tradition / Ancient Greek Philosophy / Heraclitus / Presocratics / Luis Cernuda

Luis Cernuda: emotivitat platònica versus mentalitat presocraticoaristotèlica

Spanish Literature / Plato / Aristotle / Idealism / History and Classical tradition studies / Materialism / The Classical Tradition / Heraclitus / Presocratics / Luis Cernuda / Materialism / The Classical Tradition / Heraclitus / Presocratics / Luis Cernuda

A continuidade de culto na época arcaica

History and Classical tradition studies / Ancient Religion / Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology) / Classical Traditions / Ancient Greek History / Historia Antiga / Greek Mythology and Rites / Ancient Greek Mythology / Archaeology, Classical archaeology, Greek and Roman history, Greek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily), Material Culture Studies, Funerary Archaeology / Historia Antigua Clásica / Linear B, Mycenaen Greek, ancient scripts / Historia Antiga / Greek Mythology and Rites / Ancient Greek Mythology / Archaeology, Classical archaeology, Greek and Roman history, Greek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily), Material Culture Studies, Funerary Archaeology / Historia Antigua Clásica / Linear B, Mycenaen Greek, ancient scripts

Menelao como protagonista: O corpo de Helena de Paulo José Miranda

Comparative Literature / Portuguese and Brazilian Literature / Greek Literature / Theatre Studies / History and Classical tradition studies / Drama / The Classical Tradition / Greek Myth / Helen of Troy / Drama / The Classical Tradition / Greek Myth / Helen of Troy

AS REPRESENTAÇÕES DO λόγος NO FILOCTETES DE SÓFOCLES. (Dossiê: O Mundo Antigo: Literatura e Historiografia)

History / Ancient History / Classical Archaeology / Roman History / Art History / History and Classical tradition studies / Romani Studies / Classical philology / Classical Mythology / Greco-Roman Mythology / Historia / Literatura / História / Greco-Roman World / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Grecia / Antiguidade Clássica / Sofocles / Antígona Furiosa Gambaro Sófocles / Sófocles / Roman Archaeology / Sofocle / History and Classical tradition studies / Romani Studies / Classical philology / Classical Mythology / Greco-Roman Mythology / Historia / Literatura / História / Greco-Roman World / Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico / Grecia / Antiguidade Clássica / Sofocles / Antígona Furiosa Gambaro Sófocles / Sófocles / Roman Archaeology / Sofocle

A Arte Poética de Orfeu na Dispersão, de Mário de Sá-Carneiro

History and Classical tradition studies / Portuguese Literature / Classical Reception Studies

História e Imagem múltiplas leituras. Org Alexandre Carneiro

History and Classical tradition studies / Images and history / Myth, Tragedy, Classical Tradition
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